


Saturday, November 26, 2011

1. Daimon/Half-Blood by Jennifer Armentrout

Hello, my name is Nicole, and I'm a bibliophile. I hear the first step to recovery is admitting one has a problem. Well I may have a book addiction, but it is definitely not a problem (for me, at least). I decided to start writing reviews after realizing that a lot of people in my life come to me asking for suggestions on what to read, so perhaps maybe others would benefit from my suggestions. I read a wide range of sub-genres in two different types of genres: Young Adult, and Adult Romance. If those two types are two of your favorites, we're going to get along just fine! :) These are all going to be mostly positive reviews, as  in the 13 years since I picked up my first Harlequin and became a book addict, I can count on my hand the books I *didn't* like. Finally, I'd like to apologize before-hand for any rambling, spelling or grammatical errors, or lack of detail; this is my first official review.  Anyways, onto the goods. **CONTAINS SPOILERS**